Green Haven Farm

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Plant Profile: Sarcococca hookeriana

By Cathrine St.Clair

Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis - Its a mouthful. You may know it by its common name - “Himalayan Sweet Box” This is one of those plants I dearly love, especially at the end of winter when I’m desperate for some spring.

Sweet Box is actually a shrub, but it is very low growing and spreads, creating a ground cover. No worries about a horticultural invasion. It spreads slowly - you’ll actually wish it spread faster than it does.

It does need some shade – especially during hot afternoons.  If it gets too much sun in winter, the leaf tips might brown a bit.  But once it is established, it can tolerate dry, shady soils – even those under established trees. It looks fresh, green and tidy all season.

One caution though, Sarcococca hookeriana is susceptible to boxwood blight so if you know you have boxwood blight on your property this may not be the best plant choice.